Do you feel overwhelmed on the daily? Like you're trying to stay on top of it all and never seem to get ahead?

It feels like when we become a mom, we feel like…

  • We have to give our entire self to raising our kids
  • We need to put our dreams on hold
  • We’re supposed to be a “Hot mess” and it’s even praised in society? 
  • We’re never on time anymore
  • It’s an anomaly to get a shower in before noon? 

Do you feel this way sometimes? 


Because I was there once until I realized I didn’t have to be. 

And I’m here to help you pick up that pen and rewrite your own life moving forward.

Photography, Southern Utah, Course, Composite, Sorority, Simplify, LIfestyle, time ownership, Busy, mama, mom, motherhood, kids, dream


I know what it’s like to struggle in life. To wish I had more time to chase the dream on my heart or simply play with the kids. 

There was a time in my life that I would hit the end of the day when I felt so “busy” yet I had nothing to show for it and I felt defeated. 

When I started having kids I heard… 

  • Motherhood is hard…”
  • You need to put your dreams on hold because now you’ll have a child to raise..”
  • Be prepared to be late to everything…”
  • Good luck getting a shower in before noon…”

For me, it felt like life was over and I didn’t know how to pull myself out of the mess. It took one defining moment in our kitchen one night when I told the hubs we couldn’t afford more than one gallon of milk until the next pay day. 

Finally deciding enough was enough and I could no longer live in survival mode and realize all of the negative floating around in my mind. I knew there was a better way to live life and something had to change.

Now, after spending 10+ years figuring out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to shifting my mindset and managing life’s “clutter,” I know that the problem was the way I was approaching life.

I definitely took advice from the wrong people and all of my friends were in a similar situation in their lives as well. 

When it hit me that we all have the same amount of time during the day, yet some people had massive success and others stayed right where they were at, I knew it was time to make different decisions. 

Today, I am a mama on top of her time…. More often than not. I mean, no one is perfect, but I’ve put systems and strategies in place so life feels light, and I now have the perspective that I can conquer whatever I set my mind to with kids in tow.